Welcome to Premier Mobile Health Solutions

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For Physicians

A Personal Connection

Medical care is at its best when it is a personal connection instead of a transaction. Premier MHS provides our clinicians the opportunity to focus on patient care, while our business personnel handle the business transactions. We feel that the all-important connection that completes the circle of care for any and all patients and their medical team is the opportunity to have a personal connection.

A Complete Connection

We provide a complete network of connections between patients, their health plan, and providers. Premier’s innovative technology, reporting, communication and documentation transform the touch into the information needed. Through our expanded care network, we assure the best use of resources for members, medical providers and insurers.

Thousands of satisfied providers and patients

Year to year, exponential growth rate, unmatched in the industry

Recognition of highest Star Rating from major health plans

Premier Mobile Health Solutions offers clinicians the opportunity to expand their business by enabling participation in multi-payer managed care networks. Through Premier MHS, physicians servicing patients within the Assisted Living Communities and Skilled Nursing Long-Term Care Facilities can now receive compensation for services rendered to managed care members.  Additionally, our Managed Care Program enables you to successfully build your practice by expanding the clientele you are able to service.  Premier MHS specializes in assisting the clinician and facility staff in coordinating patient care through our Managed Care Program, thus eliminating access to care issues.  You will have a complete mobile experienced team supporting your efforts within the community.  Our team of subject matter experts can effectively navigate through the Managed Care realm in order to provide your patients maximum benefits, while at the same time ensuring the delivery of the highest quality of care through full compliance with your orders.  As an Independent Clinician, you will experience growth in your practice through the addition of managed care patients to your panel and the bonus potential that exists with their medicinal management. 

For further information please contact Premier Mobile Health Solutions directly at (866)702-7132.